Monday, September 3, 2012

College, boys, books, poetry, friends, and everything else confusing :)

Sooo college has started. Aaaaand, I'm back in my procrastinating ways again. I thought once I got to college and saw the workload it would go away. Apparently not :P  Even as I type this, I have a powerpoint to go and finish for a 9am class tomorrow. But, seeing as I just can't seem to focus on any one thing at the moment, I decided to write down some of my thoughts and get it all out there.
First off, college. The only really big difference I've found at college from high school is that the campus is a lot bigger and harder to navigate. The classes, for me anyway, are about the same size, if not smaller. And there's a lot more cussing, too. Some people get really creative with their cussing, too. And some just say a cuss word every other word, whether it makes sense or not. But I like college so far. I enjoy meeting new people and gaining new (or recycled) knowledge. I like my hours, although my Mondays and Wednesdays are more than a little hectic :P And I just like the overall atmosphere (most of the time). I feel like I'm finally starting to break out of my little bubble and am getting a peek of what waits for me out in the real world. I just wish there were less F words flying around everywhere. Man, I hate that word.... I can stand just about any other word, but not that one. It just gets on my nerves.
Hmmmm, boys. Well, they exist. Plenty of 'em. BUT, the only ones I've really interacted with so far are either 1. trying to play me (yeah right. I may be super nice and all when I turn them down, but I know what they're trying to get at. Sorry boys, I am NOT an idiot, and I am most definitely NOT easy or going to fall for any of your games.) or 2. already in a committed relationship of some sort, with a girlfriend or married. Even in singles ward, it seems that every guy I meet already has a girlfriend or an 'about to become his girlfriend' girl. Soooo, yeah. There are a couple guys I kind of have my eye on, but no big crushes or anything like that yet. I will say that the guys from my ward are super nice and always helpful, and are basically really cool guys. But, overall, boys, men, guys, the Male Species in general, continues to confound, baffle, and in every way and meaning of the word, confuse me. I can never tell what they're thinking, or what they mean when they say something, or why they do what they do, etc..... But I love 'em anyway, so it's all good :) And, from what I hear, boys are just as equally confused by us, which kinda levels out the playing field, I guess.
Books. If you know me, then you know that I LOVE to read, and books are some of my favorite things in the whole world. I can (and do) spend hours at any place that has any genre of books just looking through them and wishing that I was a millionaire of some sort so I could buy them all, and then also wishing that I could manipulate time, so I could have time to read them all. The last book I've read, outside of my textbooks for school, was The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. And while not one of my all time favorites, it's very good. It made me laugh, cry, and was a very lovely read. It's an amazing book, check it out sometime! Beware, does involve some cussing, and a (kind of) sex scene. The sex scene isn't really graphic in any way. It just mostly describes the feelings. But then again, I kind of just skimmed it and went to the next chapter :P
Poetry. I have been writing some odds and ends of poems lately. Just been in that kind of mood, I guess. Maybe later, I'll post some of them on here, but not in this post. Just suffice it to say, that the movie Dead Poets Society, has really influenced and inspired me a great deal when it comes to my writing and how I write, and why, and basically everything. From why we write, to how we should write (like ourselves, what we feel, etc.) to how we should live our lives, it's a great movie. Sad ending, but oh so inspiring, and an AMAZING performance from Mr. Robin Williams himself. He's always been one of my favorites, but this movie really reminded me why that is. He's incredible, and I wish he would do at least one more movie like this that's not rated R so that I can watch it. Dead Poets Society is PG, by the way, and if you haven't seen it yet, go and watch it right now. Like, stop reading this and somehow find a way to see this movie. It is incredible.
My best friend came down from college in Thatcher to visit her hometown for the 3-day weekend, and I got to see her for a few hours :) From shopping for candy and shoes at the mall (yes, I am still thinking about those shoes, and I want to go back to the mall and see if they're still there and buy them, if I can, tomorrow) to getting hit on by a complete stranger, and watching young kids perform traditional Spanish (Mexican? Not sure :( ) dances on stage, and just talking about boys and life and college and everything else under the moon, it was a ton of fun :) We're best friends for a reason, and even with the distance, we've managed to keep in touch through Facebook, text, phone calls, and letters. So grateful to have her, and every one of my friends in my life. They have been my support system through everything, and I couldn't ask for better people to have in my life :)
Well, I guess that's all folks! :P Tune in next time, where I reveal the secret to life.
P.S. The answer is 42 ;)
P.P.S. If you don't know that movie/book reference, you lead a sad, lonely, deprived life. Go look it up. Right now.
P.P.PS. Ok, maybe not sad and lonely, but definitely deprived :P

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