Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Dear Laura,
Today was not your best day, and I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry I let my irrational fears cloud your mind during what could, and should have been, a peaceful, healing time. And I'm sorry that I continued to let it hang over you all day, overshadowing everything else that happened. I'm sorry that I got so upset with you when you couldn't seem to find the motivation to get up and do the dishes like you've said you would the past three days; I should have been more understanding about what a toll my thoughts were having on you. I'm sorry that I dug around our memories to hedge out hurtful things from our past and go over them again, unnecessarily. I'm sorry that I let you think that one bad day meant you are a terrible person, or that you could never recover from it, that you are stuck in an endless vortex of dark, swirling emotions that you will never be free of: of not believing that miracles can and will happen to you, and for you, in your everyday life. I'm sorry for, even now, holding onto to old grudges and past pains, and letting them define who you are. And most of all, I'm sorry for letting you think, for even one second of your existence, that you are somehow not good enough; that you are found wanting, and are therefore undeserving of love, friendship, happiness, and a healthy lifestyle. I promise from now on to be more understanding of your thoughts and emotions, to know the difference between "I am not capable of dealing with this right now, I need to remove myself from this situation in order to calm down, clear my mind, and refocus so I can deal with this at a later time," and "I feel horrible, why can I not deal with this right now, this must mean I can't deal with anything, I'm a horrible person and I am justified in feeling every negative emotion ever and not dealing with life ever again." I promise to spend every day looking for and focusing on the good in life, on helping others, on fulfilling your passions, and letting you vegg out and watch Clueless now and then in your pj's, no judgment. I promise to believe the best about you, to be optimistic about your future and what it holds, and to believe in you when it seems impossible to go on. And most of all, I promise to love you, unconditionally and without fail.
You are worth it. Remember that every day, and we'll be just fine :)

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