Thursday, February 20, 2014

I'd rather be singing....

I'd rather be singing. That's usually my thought process when I'm in the middle of math class, or when I finish a test early, or when eating lunch, or sleeping, or doing homework, or watching tv, etc... You get the point. There are very, very few times in my day to day life that I don't feel like bursting into song at any moment. The fact that I am able to control this urge about 85% of the time astonishes me. Of course, it is helped by the fact that I get to sing at least 6 days out of the week. Five at school, as a vocal performance major, and every Sunday in church. That's really where this all started, church. Without it, I have no idea how long it would have taken me to discover my love of all things music, particularly singing.
Watching singing competitions is both exciting and dull for me. I love watching people go out there and do what they love to do, and I love all different types of voices and music and discovering new artists to listen to. That's the exciting part. The dull part, for me, is that I'm not up there with them. Because, you see, I'd rather be singing.
Dancing is great, and going to swing clubs and wedding receptions and the homecoming dance at school is all fun and games, and I LOVE to dance. But, more often than not, I find myself singing along to the song and paying more attention to how I'm harmonizing with the song than how I'm moving to it. This can be to my advantage, as I tend to be a better dancer when I stop thinking about it and just do it (I'm a chronic over thinker), but it also makes me sad. Why? Because, I'd rather be singing. I'd rather be up on that stage, in front of a mike, singing my heart out and busting a move than just dancing. And I really love to dance.
It takes a lot for me to not feel like singing. I have to be super sick, for example. The kind of sick where literally all you can do is lie in bed all day moaning and sleeping. Or, in the middle of a riveting discussion. Or, surprisingly enough, learning more about biology and genetics (I LOVE genetics, so much so that I'm trying to figure out how to minor in it without killing myself from work overload in the process). And even then, if given the choice, I'd most likely rather be singing. Maybe someday they'll come up with songs to help teach us about dominant and recessive genes. Or, my life will suddenly turn into a musical, and people will start singing and dancing what they want to say. I'd be so down for that, you have no idea...
I guess it's a good thing my major is so focused on music, particularly singing. And I guess it's a good thing I can carry a tune. It's always amazed me how what people want to do with their lives almost always seems to correlate with what they do best. Do we want to do what we want because we're good at it, or are we good at it because we love it so much we work at it till we are? Or is it a combination of the two? Or just sheer, dumb luck? I'm a fan of all of the above :) That, and God's plan for each of us. How lucky I am that I was given this love for performing, and the opportunity to do it as part of my career. Now, if you don't mind, I have some music to practice. After all, I'd rather be singing.

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