Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Single Life

So, I had an epiphany last night; I like being single. Not only do I like being single, I can see myself staying single for a while. Now, that's not to say I would turn down Mr. Right when he comes along just to keep up with my netflix and pj weekends, but until "The One" comes along, I'm good. Let me explain.
Last night, my church had a picnic/speed dating activity. The girls brought a dinner for two in a basket or bag or container of some sort, while the guys brought a blanket and a dessert for two. First, we all had a lovely salad together in groups of 10 to 14 people. Then after 15 minutes or so, the guys picked a dinner and enjoyed a lovely starlit picnic with the girl who made the dinner they chose. After about 20 minutes, the girls would go and pick a dessert, and have dessert with the guy who brought whatever it is they chose. Pretty simple, yeah? And all in good fun. Not so much.
Oh, don't get me wrong, everyone there was great, the activity was well thought out, and I loved the picnic. My problem is not with the picnic, or with anyone that was there, or what did or didn't happen; my problem is with me, and the epiphany I had.
You see, right as the guys started walking towards the table laden with all our dinners in their various baskets and bags, I realized, I didn't want anyone to choose my dinner. Not that I have a problem sharing my food, I brought more than enough. I just realized, right in that moment, that despite my main objective of getting to know more guys in the hopes of getting a date or two (Actually, this is a lie. My ultimate main objective was to eat yummy food. Which I did, so mission accomplished :) ), I actually didn't want to walk away that night with any dates. And, I think I subconsciously knew that before going. Despite knowing that we were supposed to put our prepared dinners in a basket or bag of some sort, I instead went for the "container" portion of the invite, and put my mac and cheese (I was, and still am, recovering from getting my wisdom teeth out, and mac and cheese was one of the few solid foods I could eat at the time) in a little tupperware on top of two plastic plates. Not the most attractive thing in the world. But, honestly, I did't feel bad about it. Maybe I should have; after all, there were a lot of people who put a lot of effort not only into cooking the food, but in making it look nice. But I was content with my little plastic bowl and my mac and cheese. And then, when we all realized that there were more girls than guys, and that about 6 of us wouldn't (and didn't) get picked, oh, I was so relieved! No more pressure, no more having to explain why I'm eating funny, no more small talk, it was heaven! I got to sit with the other girls who also, unfortunately, were not picked, and one guy who came too late to pick a dinner.
Then, dessert time came. I went, picked a dessert, and ate with a very nice, very cool guy. We even exchanged some ballroom dance moves. But, though he was, again, very cool, I simply did not want to go out on a date with him. And not just him, with anybody. Thus, my epiphany.
Now, don't get me wrong, my epiphany isn't just that I like being single, but that I am beyond ok with being single and waiting until someone I can see myself being with for a very long time comes along. Maybe that will happen next week, maybe ten years from now. All I know is, right now, I am happy with my life where it is. I'm happy going to school and studying music. I'm happy with my job(s). I'm even happy that I'm currently experiencing major car trouble right now, as weird as that sounds. I'm just enjoying life, and all the wonderful things it's been throwing at me. I'm really happy with everything right now. Ok, yeah, I like too complain about how my jaw hurts, and I'm still eating funny, but it's better than the alternative, which is the wisdom teeth that were in my mouth squishing all my teeth together. And, I have to admit, I kind of liked being able to lounge around for a few days and not feel guilty. And, I've recovered so much faster than what the dentist told me I might. Like, seriously. Very little swelling, the bleeding stopped on the same day I got them out, and I can already eat solid food, albeit a little bit weird. But when it comes to the consumption of yummy food, what does that matter?
All in all, I'm doing good. I have great friends, a loving family, my relationship with God is growing by the day, I get to sing on an almost daily basis as part of my college studies, and so much more. Who says it's hard being single and happy? And you know what else I've noticed? I no longer feel jealous of anyone who IS in a relationship, like I used to. Now, I can honestly be happy for them, no strings attached. Who knows what will come of this new found freedom and joy I'm experiencing? Maybe little to nothing will change. Maybe everything will. But whatever happens, I know one thing for sure; it's a good life, single or not :)

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