Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wow, there's really nothing interesting to say right now.

Ok, well, as you can guess by the title, I really don't have anything mind-blowing to say, at least not right now.I am currently listening to Michelle Branch and watching some of her videos on youtube while waiting for my show that I've been trying to watch to load. It's taking a while. Any of you ever heard of Psych? yeah, I just recently got into it, and now I'm watching the show online trying to catch up. *sigh* I really don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I mean, I have homework and all, but besides that, nothing much to do around here. I suppose I could play my Wii some more, but I'm already super sore from playing it last time. Oh, wait, I do have something exciting to share. A couple days ago, I asked a boy (Ben is his name) to the Sadie Hawkins dance (it's a girl ask guy dance) with the help of one of my friends (Shirley). We rapped it to him, in front of a rather large crowd of people, might I add. By the way, I think that I'm probably the worst rapper in the world, but it was really fun and I really enjoyed it. Anyway, today during choir, the teacher announced that Ben had an announcement, and he got up and got everyone clapping, and then he rapped his reply to me, which was a yes :) So now, I have a date for Sadies, which is in about two months. The reason I asked so early was because I knew of a few other girls who wanted to ask him, and me being the kind of extremely competitive person I am, I wanted to ask him first. So I did. Literally, like, four days after Winter Formal. Wouldn't have happened, though, without Shirley encouraging me and helping me (actually, she practically wrote the whole thing herself, I just provided the rhythm to follow, which was the Fresh Prince of Be;-Air theme song. You know the one, "Now this a story all about how my life got twisted upside down" etc...) Anyway, apparently a lot of girls are mad at me, now. But I'm going to be nice and let them all have a dance with him, if he'll dance with them, which he will cause he's awesome like that. I just have to make sure to have the first and last dance with him. And some mixed in the middle. I wonder what the theme will be. I hope it's something really fun like it was last time. Last time was soooo much fun, 80's themed, at Skateland. Yeah, it was pretty epic. Anyway, now I'm just kind of rambling on and on. If you continue to follow me, you'll find that I tend to do this quite often. Although I can stay on topic if I really want to.
Eghh, I just remembered that I have a research paper for English that I need to start researching and everything. I usually love to research stuff, I really do, except for the fact that this time I happened to choose a kind of obscure topic that so far I haven't really had any luck in finding anything on that would be extremely useful. But I'll find something, and I'll write a really awesome paper and get a good grade on it.
Whoa, I just looked at how long this post is. Sorry about that. Wow. It's also really late right now. Whoops. Well, goodnight world. Have fun, be safe, and yeah. Stay cool. Peace.

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